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Vinyl lovers are never of two minds when it comes to digital or vinyl. They play their favorite vinyl record to get the true feeling of the music. In a sense, it generates an instant connection to the music they listen to. Such reactions from fans have prompted several artists to come out with the latest vinyl records.

Vinyl Sound is Second To None


Yes, you can always listen to digital music. However, it lacks the same sort of presence. As a consequence, you stand to miss out on the essence of the music.

On the contrary, when it involves vinyl, audio data does not get lost. This happens primarily because it relies on an analog format. Owing to this reason, it is capable of reproducing the original version of what an artist actually played when it had been recorded in the studio. The MP3 format works altogether differently.

They Emit Immaculate Sound

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If you are tired of the sound quality of the CDs or downloaded music, a turntable is the answer. The analog format of the songs of turntables has been known for ages for its ability to emit immaculate sound.

Get An Aura Of Nostalgia

Vinyl albums add an aura of nostalgia to your abode. It gives you a rare opportunity to experience a different type of music in prevailing modern music scenarios. For instance, they can listen to songs and reflect on your good old days!

In addition, the feel and look of the cover art takes you to a different world altogether. In other words, it ends up becoming your prized possession.

Connect With Other Audiophiles

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Currently, record shops have become a popular meeting place for music lovers of turntables. In fact, it brings all audiophiles under one roof. It becomes the perfect platform to indulge in some discussion sessions with like-minded music fans. It ends up being the best hangout place where you can share your rare finds.

This kind of personal and human touch is not found in the digital download regime. Online forums do not give the ambiance of a community that a record store offers. The former is an element of anonymity. Moreover, sharing interests and knowing each other becomes very difficult.

Vinyl Experience Gives Inexplicable Level Of Euphoria

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When you enter a vinyl record store, you are filled with a palpable sense of excitement. In a sense, the moments spent inside the shop are a unique experience. For instance, you can rummage through stacks or get lost in memories when you see the covers.

You get the freedom to take out a record from a cover case, but the same on the turntable, adjust the needle on the rightful place of the groove, sit with a happy drink, and get lost in euphoria!

The Tangibility Aspect Scores A Brownie Point

Digital files do not give you the privilege of building a collection of your own. On top of that, these do not command any pecuniary benefits as they can be replicated with ease.

On the contrary, with turntables vinyl albums can have more monetary value especially the ones in limited editions.