Burn-in is critical for just about every audiophile product… This applies to Cables, Components, Speakers, Turntable Cartridges, etc. We won’t attempt to explain this phenomenon but on a high-end system,… Continue reading ›
Jaguar Complete Turntable Setup Video
The Jaguar Turntable Setup Video guides you step-by-step through each part of the setup process. Whether you’re experienced or a beginner, setting up an entry-level or extreme high-end model, it’s… Continue reading ›
Jaguar Guide to Buying Vinyl Records
In this video we discuss how to buy vinyl records. Learn all our tips about buying records in the hifi stores, buying records online and how to track down the… Continue reading ›
A Free and Accurate Turntable Setup Tool
This Free Turntable Setup Tool online will assist you with setting up the cartridge geometry on your turntable. With this software you can print a very accurate turntable protractor on… Continue reading ›
Room Acoustics and Your Noise Floor
One of the biggest challenges with room acoustics in just about any listening space is the Ambient Noise Floor. Unless your listening room is an underground bunker out in the… Continue reading ›
Free Download! The JaguarAudio.com Real-Time Audio Operating System.
Note 10/23/2017: This OS was built in 2013, so drivers for some newer motherboard components (such as Ethernet) may not be compatible. We recommend you check out Daphile. https://www.daphile.com/ Note… Continue reading ›
POWER is a Third of Sound
You often hear audiophiles talk about the importance of the room to sound and saying it’s as important as the gear. Very true, however, Power is short-changed in the sound… Continue reading ›
Room Acoustics – Measuring Our New Listening Room
Now that we’re moved into our new space in Downtown Bellevue our system is set up and we’ve got a lot of work ahead to try to perfect our sound. … Continue reading ›
JaguarAudio.com Reference Systems – circa 2010
Things were sounding pretty good in 2009 for JaguarAudio.com, but more radical changes were in store for our system as 2010 unfolded. The Zu Druids had great synergy with the… Continue reading ›
Audio Endorphins
The ability of my system to generate a rush of endorphins when I sit down to listen to my favorites is the most important measure by which I judge how… Continue reading ›
JaguarAudio.com Reference Systems – circa 2009
2009 was a transformational year for our system. This was the year I went fully digital (digital files, that is). You may notice from the pictures below the modified Denon… Continue reading ›
JaguarAudio.com Reference Systems – circa 2008
My first foray into boutique audio was with the Cain & Cain Super Abby speakers. The design of the Abby was invented in 1934, by a German named Paul Voigt,… Continue reading ›