OREA Series By IsoAcoustics
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Product Summary:
The OREA Series from IsoAcoustics eliminate parasitic vibrations, providing greater sound clarity and focus. The OREA’s are ideal for lighter components including Amplifiers, DAC’s, CD Players, Speakers, and Turntables.... Click To Read More
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OREA Series By IsoAcoustics


The OREA Series from IsoAcoustics eliminate parasitic vibrations, providing greater sound clarity and focus. The OREA’s are ideal for lighter components including Amplifiers, DAC’s, CD Players, Speakers, and Turntables.


Product Description

Extraordinary levels of isolation for high fidelity audio components and turntables.

OREA Series: Eliminates parasitic vibrations and provides greater sound clarity and focus. The OREA’s are ideal for electronic components including Amplifiers, DAC’s, CD Players, Speakers, and Turntables. Made of machined stainless steel, these isolators have a low-profile design to minimize any increase in height.

Each OREA model is designed with a different weight capacity. They each have a colored ring on the bottom isolator that denotes the model and weight capacity. The OREA series are packaged individually to allow greater flexibility when determining the number of units to use. We recommend a minimum of 3 units under each component, depending on weight.

The upper flange of the OREA is designed to provide a suction cup-like effect and adhere to the underside of the component, while the lower flange adheres to the supporting surface. All the energy is managed within the core of the OREA’s, which are tuned to work within specific weight ranges. This results in greater sound clarity and a more open soundstage providing authentic, three-dimensional sound.

The existing feet on an audio component may connect well and fit nicely around the perimeter of the OREA isolator. Alternatively, you may get better performance by either removing the feet entirely or placing the OREA’s beside the existing feet to have them connect directly to the chassis or base of the component.

Weight Capacity

The OREA’s are designed to be used in multiples to match the weight of the component or speaker. The total weight capacity is calculated as follows:

Total Weight Capacity = [Weight cap. per isolator] x [Qty of Isolators]

It is common to use 3 or 4 OREA isolators for each component or speaker, but keep in mind that it is most important to stay within the weight capacity of the OREA isolator.

The weight distribution of the component can also be taken into account. If for example, the component is heaviest at the back, then it is common to use 3 isolators with 2 positioned at the back corners and 1 positioned front/center.

The weight limits are based on the performance curves which are illustrated in the chart below:


OREA Series

2019 Product of the Year WINNER for Best Accessory


Best of 2019

“Pound for pound, OREA is among the best value for money upgrades that can be made to any hifi system”
Richard Barclay
The Ear



“I caught myself wide-eyed with joy on more than a few occasions as I heard nuances in tracks I’ve listened to for years but never noticed before.”
Richard Barclay
The Ear


“There is no doubt in our mind that the IsoAcoustics OREA Bronze do what they promise.”
Jay Garrett
September 2019


“They offer fantastic isolation support and vibration control to a huge amount of equipment and applications at a price that is simply unheard of in this somewhat overpriced industry”

Dan Worth
HiFi Pig


“With four Oreas under each Stellar M700, and each amp sitting on its own Poly-christal stand, the sound acquired another measure of clarity and transparency…”

Robert Deutsch
Stereophile Magazine
February 2018


I am not ready to rumble.
I’m using these with a Music Hall Classic turntable. I used to have noticeable rumble when just walking in the same room as the turntable. With the OREA Graphite’s in place, it has been reduced to being undetectable. I would recommend these are an outstanding low-cost enhancement to any turntable setup that doesn’t have built-in isolation.

You will not be disappointed
I’d like to start by saying I rarely right reviews, but these little feet worked absolute miracles under my turntable. I recently moved and now my system is on a suspended floor instead of concrete. The vibration feedback from the subwoofer thru the needle was terrible at high volumes in the new space. 4 of these things and my stereo is back to its former glory. They’re not cheap, but they’re worth every penny if you have a problem like me, and probably even if you don’t they’ll still make a difference.

IsoAcoustics at its best
Isolation of each component is essential for the best resolution. These are a great solution and not to expensive.

IsoAcoustics OREA Bronze
These IsoAcoustics OREA’s look good and work well. They seem to totally ‘settle down’ the sound and improve overall soundstage and ambiance.

Magic?? Or, not…
They work! I had looked at these for several years and wondered whether they might simply be snake oil. After extended listening, I can say that they yield additional clarity in sound. The result is an expanded sound field, both in depth of field front to back and to the sides. Additionally, it seems to affect the bass, increasing the effect somewhat. I can only guess at how this is achieved. I think that by isolating the speaker enclosure from any connected surface that you create a closer to ideal point source in the space (the room). I used 3 each (8 pounds each…) under the Monitor Audio Silver 100s as my fronts. I think that they serve to remove more subtle resonances from the speaker enclosure/supporting surface, as well as eliminating any resonances coming from the surface itself. More of the energy from the signal goes into the speaker drivers without being lost. Or, maybe it is just voodoo. Either way, I am not going without them.



Note: Price is per Orea.


Dimensions (WxH): 1.6″x1.1″ (40x27mm)
Tilt: No
Weight Cap: 4lbs (1.8Kg) per unit
Quantity: 1 Unit (Single)


Dimensions (WxH): 2″x1.1″ (50x29mm)
Tilt: No
Weight Cap: 8lbs (3.6Kg) per unit
Quantity: 1 Unit (Single)


Dimensions (WxH): 2.3″x1.3″ (58x33mm)
Tilt: No
Weight Cap: 16lbs (7.2Kg) per unit
Quantity: 1 Unit (Single)


Dimensions (WxH): 2.6″x1.4″ (67x36mm)
Tilt: No
Weight Cap: 32lbs (14.5Kg) per unit
Quantity: 1 Unit (Single)

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